How To Make Money And How To Keep It Or Capital And Labor (1884) di Henry Ford, Thomas A. Davies edito da Kessinger Publishing Co
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How To Make Money And How To Keep It Or Capital And Labor (1884)





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Descrizione How To Make Money And How To Keep It Or Capital And Labor (1884)

This volume presents a fresh treatment upon business and finance, in the light of modern principles and methods, with recent statistics and examples to make clear the best precepts of business. Parts of this treatise is a revision of Thomas A. Davies' book. The whole constitutes the most complete and satisfactory discussion of the subject now before the public. It is hoped that it may be greatly useful in turning many of the struggling ones of earth to ways of competence, happiness and peace. It may be studied in all its parts to eminent advantage. The topic is thoroughly practical: its handling will be found equally so. Illustrated.

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