How to Legally Steal with Lawsuits! di Sr. Alexander Hart edito da Lulu Publishing Services
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How to Legally Steal with Lawsuits!

or The ABCs of Suitability





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Descrizione How to Legally Steal with Lawsuits!

Unbeknownst to ordinary Americans, opportunities to initiate personal injury and class action lawsuits for personal profit present themselves to us every day. In a tongue-in-cheek parody, Alexander Hart details how easy it is to create lawsuits without merit and use such suits to gain lucre at the expense of others, with help from good [sic] personal injury and class action attorneys. With a funny yet powerful intent, Hart gores the ludicrously tragic fabric of the law used to fashion ridiculous personal injury and class action lawsuits. After profiling Bob, a dedicated employee of the Generally Mediocre Auto Company, who finds several golden opportunities to file a suit throughout his day, Hart eloquently transitions from one hilarious, fictional example to another to ultimately prove that making-a-livelihood-by-lawsuit has come of age, and that our legal system needs a dramatic makeover.

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