How to Fix Fiction di P. H. Porosky edito da University Press of America
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How to Fix Fiction

Techniques Of A Professional Writing Consultant





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Descrizione How to Fix Fiction

This book, written by a true professional, guides the reader through the various stages of writing fiction. The author, Peter Porosky, has over twenty years of experience writing and publishing fiction, as well as teaching. Porosky's more recent years consulting hundreds of writers have given him the learning and experience to provide effective instruction in this field. The author takes the reader through the 'Primer Steps' in writing fiction, which include the use of: genre, fictional techniques, the 'Writing Process' and the 'Revisionary Process'. Second, the reader will learn the 'Revisionary Steps,' which include repairing weaknesses in style, plot, characterization, and point of view. Also helpful to the reader will be the Appendixes which provide activities, marketing information, a glossary and bibliography. A must for anyone interested in writing fiction.

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