How to Feel Beautiful di Lizi Jackson-Barrett edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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How to Feel Beautiful





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Descrizione How to Feel Beautiful

Why do so many women spend their entire life trying to change how they look? Is it possible to feel beautiful exactly the way you are, whilst living in a world that tries to make you believe you're never good enough? The first time Lizi Jackson-Barrett was told she was not beautiful she was eleven years old. That was the start of three decades of trying to change her appearance, never quite feeling "enough". Until, at forty, Lizi developed alopecia, lost all her hair, and finally learned what it means to feel truly beautiful exactly the way she is. In How to Feel Beautiful Lizi takes you by the hand and guides you through your own journey of self-acceptance and love. By the final page you will have experienced a powerful transformation: you'll have learned the secret to feeling beautiful, without needing to change a thing about the way you look. What women are saying: "This book is a journey; it's beautiful in every sense of the word." (Sarah B.) "A masterpiece of truth, healing and empowerment." (Leanne S.) "This is a book to read over and over again." (Anna W.)

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