How to Deal with Annoying People di Bob Phillips, Kimberly Alyn edito da HARVEST HOUSE PUBL
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How to Deal with Annoying People

What To Do When You Can't Avoid Them





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Descrizione How to Deal with Annoying People

Everyone knows the world is filled with annoying people. Family counselor Bob Phillips and inspirational speaker Kimberly Alyn offer help to those needing to improve their personal and professional relationships. They are two friends who have devoted many years to speaking, teaching, and consulting on this important topic. Churches, individuals, couples, employees, and managers will benefit from this look at personality styles and close-sometimes conflicted-interaction. Readers will discover why they are annoyed by others, why others are annoyed by them, and what they can do to create wholesome relationships. They'll learn to employ biblical principles along with a fun and simple process of identifying social cues. The result will be an immediate improvement in relating to the significant people in their lives.

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