How and Why God Evolved di Babar Shah Khan edito da iUniverse
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How and Why God Evolved

An Alternative Perspective







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Descrizione How and Why God Evolved

Focusing on some of the more unusual verses from the Bible, the Qur'an, and Gita, author Babar Shah Khan highlights certain facts about holy book verses and clarifies some misguided interpretations about these verses, and he shares his ideas on God's evolution by comparing these spiritual texts. How and Why God Evolved highlights the link among pagan, polytheistic, and monotheistic beliefs. Khan points out misrepresentations of Holy Scriptures and discusses some of the political reasons involved. He brings to the forefront the importance of understanding how the notion of God evolved throughout history, in keeping with the human brain's development. He also shows how God and humans have fashioned each other in an attempt to understand and reach one another. Khan exposes the textual commonalities among Holy Books and shows how modern-day religions spring from previous religions. How and Why God Evolved discusses why no one religion is truly unique or separate from others. They are all connected deeply by similar rites, rituals, and reasons; all religions share more commonalities than differences.

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