Houses Reborn di Leah R Cutter edito da Knotted Road Press Incorporated
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Houses Reborn





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Descrizione Houses Reborn

The armies facing the House of Gold have tripled overnight. Help races toward them, but will it arrive in time? Desperate times call for desperate measures, and everyone must do their part: LandHolder, warrior, and ghost. Whatever it takes. However, Darikuto still intends to become sole LandHolder after they beat back the House of Cobalt, even if it means using the power of the demons to do so. If he succeeds, the corruption will never end. Houses Reborn-the final novel of the Houses of the Dead dark fantasy trilogy-continues with twists of plot and fate that are the hallmark of a Leah R Cutter novel, while tying all the threads of this epic journey together, leaving you surprised but completely satisfied. Be sure to read all three books in the Houses of the Dead Trilogy: Houses Divided, Houses Fallen, and Houses Reborn.

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