The House That Kay Built di Jackie Barrett edito da iUniverse
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The House That Kay Built







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Descrizione The House That Kay Built

Kay Dillion and her seven-year-old daughter Becky are preparing to move on with their lives. After months of living with her brother, Kay finds the perfect apartment to begin her life anew. But Kay soon discovers she's entered the pits of hell--and there will be no escape. Horrifying images and nightmarish visions gradually drag Kay deeper and deeper into her own embittered soul. What was once a reality fades to a blur, and Kay grows increasingly unsure of her own existence. To heal her horrific past of endless torture and sexual abuse, Kay must confront her long-buried memories. But Kay soon discovers she's trapped between two spiritual worlds. No longer a member of the living, Kay realizes that Becky personifies the little girl Kay used to be. Now she must fight to save herself from the demonic forces that claim her soul. Will she be able to triumph over evil--or will the dark forces forever claim her?

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