House of Straw di Kennedy Bell edito da Lulu Publishing Services
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House of Straw

A Book for Men on Separation and Divorce





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Descrizione House of Straw

House of Straw is for men who are seeking help to advance their understanding in a logical and very real way with the separation and divorce process. This book combines Kennedy's personal seven-year experience with separation and divorce and knowledge gained from hundreds of men and women he interviewed and talked to over the years who have firsthand experience with this very same life challenge. Kennedy's objective is to help you better understand what you may be getting into if you are experiencing separation and/or divorce. House of Straw provides real, usable advice that could help preserve your sanity and your parenting rights as well as preserve your hard-earned finances before she and her lawyers with the help of the court system take you for everything you're worth and drive you crazy. Many men find it difficult if not impossible to discuss their divorce and the issues they are facing from a financial, emotional, and spiritual perspective. House of Straw encourages this conversation.

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