U.S. House of Representatives Elections in Florida, 2012 edito da Betascript Publishing

U.S. House of Representatives Elections in Florida, 2012





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Descrizione U.S. House of Representatives Elections in Florida, 2012

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. The 2012 U.S. House of Representatives elections in Florida will be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 to elect the five Congressional representatives from the state, one from each of the state's five Congressional districts. The elections will coincide with the elections of other federal and state offices, including a quadrennial presidential election, and a U.S. Senate election.Democrat Corrine Brown represents this north central Florida district and has held this seat since 1993. Republican Congressional candidate Mike Yost announced that he would challenge her again in the 2012 house election. Corrine Brown defeated Mike Yost in 2010 by 63% by 34%.

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