House Industries: The Process Is the Inspiration di Andy Cruz, Rich Roat, Ken Barber edito da Random House LCC US
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House Industries: The Process Is the Inspiration

The Innovative Design And Unconventional Creative Process Of House Industries





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Descrizione House Industries: The Process Is the Inspiration

A standard-bearer of American design since 1993, House Industries answers the burning question, "Where do you find inspiration?" with this illustrative collection of helpful lessons, stories, and case studies that demonstrate how to transform obsessive curiosity into personally satisfying and successful work. Presented in House's honest, authentic, and often irreverent style, and covering topics ranging from fonts and fashion to ceramics and space technology, this beautifully useful 400-page volume offers a personal perspective on the origin of ideas for creative people in any field. Most important, this book shows that there's no sense in waiting for inspiration because inspiration is already waiting for you.

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