Horse Capture for Glory; Horse Thievery for Profit: Or, a Short History of Fleet Equines in the American West di Michael Bugenstein edito da SWEETGRASS BOOKS

Horse Capture for Glory; Horse Thievery for Profit: Or, a Short History of Fleet Equines in the American West

Or, a Short History of Fleet Equines in the American West





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Descrizione Horse Capture for Glory; Horse Thievery for Profit: Or, a Short History of Fleet Equines in the American West

Ever since their reintroduction in the 1500s, horses have had a profound influence on the cultures of the American West. After the Pueblo Revolt in 1680, Natives acquired horses for their own people, and over the course of nearly a century equines were dispersed among the tribes by fair means or foul. This book examines the sequence as it plays out to the present day.

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€ 23.00

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