Hope Is Real di Corey Jones edito da Lulu.com
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Hope Is Real

Radical Recovery Prayers







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Descrizione Hope Is Real

Hope Is Real: Radical Recovery Prayers is a different kind of devotional. It invites the reader to get lost in many feminist, recovery, and spiritual rabbit holes. It is a devotional meant to be savored and spark intellectual stimulation. Radical Recovery Prayers are a collection of intimate prayers inspired by scripture and Jones' own inner turmoil that started during the United States election in 2016 and continued throughout the next four years. As she struggled watching the rise of fascism, racism, misogyny, environmental disaster, homophobia, and able-ism in her own country, she felt the need to cry out in prayer to her God. Eventually, Jones came to realize that these prayers might be useful spiritual connecting points for other progressive, feminist Christians as well. Each devotional contains the Scripture that inspired the following prayer, a recovery action item, and then a book recommendation. This book is for progressive Christians, people in recovery, intersectional feminists, and anyone with an open mind and heart looking for hope in this hard and messy world. These are intimate prayers and suggestions from a person who is called to authenticity and radical vulnerability. Jones wishes to give all people the permission to be themselves and the hope to keep on going. Hope is real, always.

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