Hope's Hopes di Susana Sheldon edito da iUniverse
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Hope's Hopes







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Descrizione Hope's Hopes

Hope?s Hopes is a tale of international romance depicting an unconventional and forbidden relationship between a teenager and an older man. It is a story that will cause the audience to ponder as they witness the protagonists in their search for Hope?s Hopes. Eighteen-year-old Hope has grown up in Hungary, stuck with a father who ignores her growing interests. In the summer of 1982, while visiting Los Angeles with her father, George, she has a chance encounter with a much older man named John. Her father?s lack of interest propels Hope into John?s overly interested arms, sparks begin to fly and soon, the two are in a highly unorthodox and controversial relationship. Hope is unusually sophisticated for her age, but she still can?t avoid the pitfalls of her heart. In a shocking move, John proposes to her, but Hope?s father is outraged. George takes an unwilling Hope back to Hungary, but John pursues the love of his life ? intending to free her from her father?s control. Now, John and Hope must defeat all of George?s devious and underhanded tricks to cause trouble and drive a wedge between the lovers. Increasingly desperate to ?save? his daughter, George begins to lose perspective?and the support of the rest of the family and his friends. Just when he starts to express an interest in his daughter?s life, his actions force her away from him. Only time will tell whether George will manage to destroy the relationship and keep the couple apart?or whether Hope and John?s love for each other will triumph in the end. Hope?s Hopes is a tale of romantic fiction with an intercontinental scope, a highly unconventional subject matter, and a gripping plot replete with twists and turns. Readers? fond of romance will surely be in for one wild ride as the narrative takes them to places most conventional love stories seldom dare to tread.

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