Homestead plant biodiversity in the coastal region of Bangladesh di S. M. Atikullah, A. B. M Enayet Hossain, Md. Giashuddin Miah edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Homestead plant biodiversity in the coastal region of Bangladesh





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Descrizione Homestead plant biodiversity in the coastal region of Bangladesh

Biodiversity is one of the foundations for the development of a country. It creates and contains visible and invisible everything to sustain life on earth. Homestead plant in the coastal region of Bangladesh having wider variation among the saline zones. The loss or degradation of plant species is a global issue. A long time lacked on appropriate text, especially on homestead which is generally ignored. This book is helpful for the researchers, planners and other users. Most of the coastal people are largely dependent on their homesteads. This can be looked upon as a ¿reserve bank¿ of ¿food and cash.¿ This income accelerates the reduction of rural poverty in Bangladesh. The contribution of homestead trees were as supplier of food and fruits, timber and fuel wood followed by cash money etc. The aim of this book is to provide a configuration of homesteads plants focusing on its utilization and conservation. Contribution of homestead vegetables for the household food security and ecosystems. It can be choosing as a reference book as well it would create interest all those who deal with natural resources management attention to climate victim coastal people.

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