Home from the Storm di Laurel Blount edito da BERKLEY BOOKS
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Home from the Storm





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Descrizione Home from the Storm

"After a senseless loss, hotheaded Caleb Hochstedler left his Amish faith and his young wife to seek justice. Two years later, he tracks his parents' killer back home to Johns Mill, where he's astonished to learn he's the father of twins. Now he's determined to protect his children and the woman he still loves--if she'll let him. Her new husband's abandonment broke Rhoda Lambright's heart and proved her father, the bishop, right. Such a stubborn man could never be happy among the peaceful Amish. When Caleb unexpectedly returns, Rhoda is caught between her rock of a husband and a very hard place. Her church forbids divorce and requires forgiveness, so Rhoda lets Caleb back into their home. But can she ever let him back into her heart? One thing's for certain sure. This second chance will take all the faith they can find."--Provided by publisher.

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