Holy Treatise  By Ismet GARIBULLAH di Ibrahim Gül edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Holy Treatise By Ismet GARIBULLAH





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Descrizione Holy Treatise By Ismet GARIBULLAH

Holy Treatise (Risale-i Kudsiye) is masterpiece of secret customs of Sufism written in stanza form. This book is translated from Ottoman Turkish scripture and commentary book version of Holiness Mahmut Effendi who has been crowned as present chief of his branch of Naqshbandi tariqah. In the text the reader will find long introduction contains commentary and explanatory notes on Sufi terms and customs and, fundamental precepts of Islam; life of Holy Prophet, Holiness Ismet Garibullah, and Holiness Mahmut Effendi. Author of the book Holiness Mustafa Ismet Garibullah Effendi is one of the greatest Sheiks in the Halidi branch of the Naqshbandi order which is one of the well-established and most influential branch among all tariqah. Upon the dominance of divine love in his heart, he went to Makkah, where great Sufi master Holiness Abdullah-i Mekki Erzincanian, a caliph of Mawlana Halid-i Baghdadi, the founder of the Halidi branch, was at the service of the tariqah at that time. Then, he was to Turkey, with the duty of enlightenment of folk. The order of Ismet Efendi was influential as to a degree that even Sultan (King) Abdulmecit I, Memduh Pasha, were his disciples.

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