Holocaust denial in the European Union di Source Wikipedia edito da Books LLC, Reference Series

Holocaust denial in the European Union

Holocaust denial in Austria, Holocaust denial in Belgium, Holocaust denial in France, Holocaust denial in Germany, Holocaust denial in Italy, Holocaus





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Descrizione Holocaust denial in the European Union

Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 74. Chapters: Holocaust denial in Austria, Holocaust denial in Belgium, Holocaust denial in France, Holocaust denial in Germany, Holocaust denial in Italy, Holocaust denial in Poland, Holocaust denial in Portugal, Holocaust denial in Romania, Holocaust denial in Spain, Holocaust denial in Sweden, Holocaust denial in the Czech Republic, Holocaust denial in the United Kingdom, Ernst Zündel, David Irving, Nick Griffin, Laws against Holocaust denial, National Front, Radu Lecca, Michèle Renouf, David Myatt, Paul Rassinier, Léon Degrelle, John Tyndall, Serge Thion, Faurisson affair, Horst Mahler, Nicholas Kollerstrom, Gerald Fredrick Töben, Robert Faurisson, Otto Ernst Remer, Germar Rudolf, Dariusz Ratajczak, Moshe Friedman, François Duprat, Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism, Günter Deckert, Maurice Bardèche, Simon Sheppard, Richard Edmonds, Belgian Holocaust denial law, Jane Birdwood, Baroness Birdwood, Roger Garaudy, Manfred Roeder, Thies Christophersen, Gerd Honsik, Ahmed Rami, Oglinda, Udo Walendy, Roeland Raes, Claude Autant-Lara, David McCalden, Jean-Claude Pressac, Siegfried Verbeke, Gayssot Act, Kevin Quinn, Carlo Mattogno, La Vieille Taupe, The Founding Myths of Modern Israel, Alain Guionnet, John Gudenus, Mohammed Taheri, Sylvia Stolz, Pierre Guillaume. Excerpt: David John Cawdell Irving (born 24 March 1938) is an English writer specializing in the military history of World War II. He is the author of 30 books on the subject, including The Destruction of Dresden (1963), Hitler's War (1977), Uprising! (1981), Churchill's War (1987), and Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich (1996). His work on Nazi Germany became controversial because of his sympathy for the Third Reich and antisemitism. He has associated with far right and neo-Nazi causes, famously during his student days seconding British Union of Fascists founder Oswald Mosley in a University College London debate on immigration. He has been described as "the most skillful preacher of Holocaust denial in the world today". Irving's reputation as an historian was widely discredited after he brought an unsuccessful libel case against the American historian Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books. The court found that Irving was an active Holocaust denier, antisemite, and racist, who "associates with right-wing extremists who promote neo-Nazism," and that he had "for his own ideological reasons persistently and deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence." Irving in 1955Irving, along with his twin brother, was born in Hutton, near Brentwood, Essex, England. His father, John James Cawdell Irving, was a commander in the Royal Navy, and his mother, Beryl, an illustrator. Irving's twin brother, Nicholas Irving has said that, "David used to run toward bombed out houses shouting heil Hitler", a statement which Irving repudiates and says is "untrue." During the Second World War, Irving's father was an officer aboard the light cruiser HMS Edinburgh. On 2 May 1942, while escorting Convoy QP-11 in the Barents Sea, the ship was sunk by the German U-boat U-456. Irving's father survived, but severed all links with his wife and their children after the incident. Irving described his childhood in an interview with the American writer Ron Rosenbaum as: "Unlike the Americans,

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