Hollywood Dreams di Mae Archer edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Hollywood Dreams





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Descrizione Hollywood Dreams

She's fallen for his greatest role. But can she fall for him? Former soap star Tom Calvert dreams of making movies that matter. To get the part of a lifetime he becomes a method actor, living as Beau Tennant, a war hero with a disabling injury. While in character he meets Maree Reynard, a costume designer, and takes her on a date. But when this practice date becomes all too real he realizes that he's made the mistake of a lifetime. Will he be able to get Maree to fall in love with Tom Calvert? Maree Reynard's father is an actor and she has grown up on a studio lot. She has no illusions about the artifice of the movie-making business and has vowed she would never date an actor. When she meets and falls in love with Beau Tennant she knows that she's found her dream man who is genuine and real. But when Beau disappears from her life she is heartbroken. She meets Tom Calvert on the rebound and sees their flirtation as a way of recovering her shattered confidence. Will Tom Calvert be able to convince her he is the real deal?

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