Hollow Girl di Luke Cooper edito da Markosia Enterprises Ltd
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Hollow Girl






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Descrizione Hollow Girl

After a nasty case of demonic possession, Hollow Girl has disappeared. That means it's time for Little Sister - the Hollow Girl copycat - to step in once more. But when she's cornered by a particularly dogged detective with a personal axe to grind, the only choice is betrayal. If this crazed fan wants to stay out of jail, she's going to have to use her obsessive knowledge to help bring down the real thing - Hollow Girl versus Hollow Girl. From Luke Cooper, creator of AloneNotLonely, Figments, Pumpernickel and A Glimpse of Hell, and artist on the award winning GoodCopBadCop, Wolf Country and Burlap: Death Waits for No One, Hollow Girl: Iscariot is a brand new Hollow Girl story, exclusive to Markosia, and the 10th in the overall series. "Safe to say this is a mature title but with Luke's pacing, his scene development by mixing up those panel layouts and his ability to hammer home some impressive action sequences ... the whole book has a flow to it and with that you get swept along in every scene that unfolds. A harsh, brutal but rewarding read that makes you want to see more of Luke's work." - COMICHAUS

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€ 13.93
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