History of the Wars: Books 1-2 (Persian War) di Procopius edito da COSIMO CLASSICS
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History of the Wars: Books 1-2 (Persian War)

Books 1-2 (Persian War)





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Descrizione History of the Wars: Books 1-2 (Persian War)

"The last major ancient historian, Byzantine scholar PROCOPIUS OF CAESAREA (c. 500¿565) traveled with the army of Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I as a military adviser, and chronicled the wars he fought¿this is the primary source today of information about the reign of Justinian I. Here, in Books I and II of the eight-volume History of the Wars, Procopius recounts the Persian War between Justinian and the Persian Empire, a fascinating retelling that includes extensive details of geography and thorough accounts of battles, political intrigues, and interpersonal dramas. Far from dry, this is a thrilling read, one that echoes of this still turbulent region today. Students of the history of the Middle East will be enthralled by this ancient work."

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