The History of Religion a Sketch of Primitive Religious Beliefs and Practices and of the Origin and Character of the Great Systems di Allan Menzies edito da Kessinger Publishing
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The History of Religion a Sketch of Primitive Religious Beliefs and Practices and of the Origin and Character of the Great Systems





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Descrizione The History of Religion a Sketch of Primitive Religious Beliefs and Practices and of the Origin and Character of the Great Systems

1908. This text is intended to aid the student who desires to obtain a general idea of comparative religion, by exhibiting the subject as a connected and organic whole, and by indicating the leading points of view from which each of the great systems may best be understood. Contents Part I. The Religion of the Early World: The Beginning of Religion; The Earliest Objects of Worship; Early Developments-Belief; Early Developments-Practices; and National Religion. Contents Part II. Isolated National Religions: Babylon and Assyria; China; and The Religion of Ancient Egypt. Contents Part III. The Semitic Group: The Semitic Religion; Canaanites and Phenicians; Israel; and Islam. Contents Part IV. The Aryan Group: The Aryan Religion; The Teutons; Greece; The Religion of Rome; The Religions of India; The Vedic Religion; India, Brahmanism; India, Buddhism; and Persia. Contents Part V. Universal Religion: Christianity.

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