The History of Junkanoo Part One di Anthony B. Carroll edito da AuthorHouse
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The History of Junkanoo Part One

My Way All the Way







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Descrizione The History of Junkanoo Part One

This book encapsules the essence and total experience of the unique and captivating Bahamian cultural celebration called "Jon Coni, John Conue, Junkanoo ". It puts the reader into the skin and spirit of the author and gives him/her a first hand experience , a birds eye view, if you will of all the thrills, rushes and the mysterious spiritual link up with mother Africa and the message of the bloodline and curious identity of its spirits . The author Anthony B. ( Tony ) Carroll, has 55 years of active Individual Junkanoo participation to his credit and is a trail blazing Junkanoo artist who is responsible for introducing all of the concepts, techniques and innovative ideas during the last fifty years of this truly Bahamian cultural expression. He is the King of the Individual Junkanoo line, and he bares his Junkanoo soul for the reader . He is direct and candid, as he takes you into his secret chambers ( Worlds ) of Imagination, creativity, Inspirations, techniques, constructions and desires to entertain and thrill his loyal Junkanoo fans . He explores and explains the effects, both spiritual and physical, that the spirit of preparation for Junkanoo has on the country( Islands ) and in particular his neighbourhood and immediate family . At the conclusion of his/her odyssey through " The history of Junkanoo , My Way, All the Way " part one and " The history of Junkanoo , The Individual Junkanoo participants & performers 1940 - 2005 " part two and " The history of Junkanoo Groups, the first 25 years 1954 - 1980 " part three , the reader is enlightened, entertained and has had a total Anthony B. ( Tony ) Carroll Junkanoo experience .

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