The History of Haverhill, Massachusetts di Benjamin L. Mirick edito da Heritage Books
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The History of Haverhill, Massachusetts





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Descrizione The History of Haverhill, Massachusetts

There are some indications (see Massachusetts: A Bibliography of Its History, 1976) that this early history of the ancient town of Haverhill was drafted by John Greenleaf Whittier, a native son, who turned it over to Mirick. In any event, it is a detailed history of its early times with about half the volume devoted to the seventeenth century. This town was first settled in 1640, and for seventy years was on the frontier, and subject to repeated Indian depredations which are discussed extensively. Many early settlers are named, and can be readily found with the new full-name index added to this reprint. An appendix provides a list of ministers, college graduates, and representatives to the legislature. There is also a directory listing the "Professional Gentlemen," merchants, manufacturers, mechanics, etc., which makes interesting reading. Not many women are listed, but we find Nancy Williams was a "mantuamaker" on Water Street. There is also a list of local societies with their officers. What was the purpose of the "Fragment Society"? It was organized in 1825, and the officers were women. Curious? Look inside!

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