A History of Everyday Things in England, Volume II, 1500-1799 (Black and White Edition) (Yesterday's Classics) di Marjorie and C. H. B. Quennell edito da Yesterday's Classics
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A History of Everyday Things in England, Volume II, 1500-1799 (Black and White Edition) (Yesterday's Classics)





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Descrizione A History of Everyday Things in England, Volume II, 1500-1799 (Black and White Edition) (Yesterday's Classics)

A treasure trove of information about the trappings of life in England in the 16th, 17th, and 18 centuries, when everything was crafted by hand, either in the home or in the workshop of a skilled craftsman. Profusely illustrated with drawings and other illustrations showing the buildings they inhabited, the clothes they wore, the ships they built, the conveyances they used, the games and occupations they enjoyed, as well as the implements used in all endeavors, including agricultural pursuits and the preparation of food. A fine book to round out the picture given by history books that focus primarily on political events and the people involved. For each century a timeline is provided listing kings and queens, famous men, great events, and principal buildings that helps the reader connect the things of a century with the people and events of that era. A book that is enjoyed as much by adults as it is by youth.

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