His Grace Is Sufficient: II Corinthians 12:9 di Evangelist Catherine J. Carter edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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His Grace Is Sufficient: II Corinthians 12:9

II Corinthians 12:9







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Descrizione His Grace Is Sufficient: II Corinthians 12:9

This book of meditations has grown out of the Grace Radio Ministry Broadcast, which has aired for more than five years from 2005 to 2010. In the broadcast I would share words of encouragement, deliverance, and salvation in an effort to heal the hurting, direct the wavering and unsaved, and inspire the saints of God on this Christian journey to keep on keeping on. There is a calling upon my life to teach the Word and preach the Word of God, and I must be obedient to God, who has called me, so I pray, study, write, and teach to please God and help somebody. I thank God for Stephanie Ward, the announcer of Grace Radio Ministry, and Derrick Williams, media specialist, who are always waiting in the wings to assist me with recordings. I thank God for my pastor, Reverend Dr. Kenneth W. Jackson, who has recognized my calling and recommended me to teach at the United Theological Seminary of Houma. I enjoyed my two-year stay at the United Theological Seminary of Houma, and now on my pastor's recommendation I am presently an instructor at The Christian Bible College of Houma, Louisiana. Thank you, God, for Pastor Jackson. Just when my soul needed a revival, God used Pastor Jackson to recommend to the board of directors at Christian Bible College to hire me to teach. Thank you, Pastor Jackson, for being obedient to the voice of God.

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