Hildegard di Laurel A. Rockefeller edito da Laurel A. Rockefeller
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A Play in Three Acts



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Descrizione Hildegard

With the power of her pen she changed Christendom forever. In this stage drama we discover the quiet yet inspirational life of medieval Germany's most influential abbess and most prolific writer, Hildegard von Bingen. Using a combination of music therapy, gemstones, prayer, and cutting edge herbal therapies, Hildegard transformed medieval medicine, theology, and music in ways unmatched by any man. All the while standing up to Roman Catholic authorities to secure places for women of all backgrounds to serve God, not just the daughters of the wealthy elite. Explore Hildegard's life in this beautiful drama featuring her letters and music. Ensemble casting. Ideal for community theatre, educational settings, and individual class lessons.

Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
€ 14.91€ 15.70
Risparmi:€ 0.79(5%)
Disponibile in 10-12 giorni
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