High Temperature Air Combustion di Hiroshi Tsuji, Ashwani K. Gupta, Toshiaki Hasegawa, Masashi Katsuki, Ken Kishimoto, Mitsunobu Morita edito da Taylor & Francis Inc
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High Temperature Air Combustion

From Energy Conservation to Pollution Reduction





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With issues such as the greenhouse effect, pollution emissions, and rising energy prices weighing heavily on people's minds, technology that can reduce pollution and lower costs is most welcome. High Temperature Air Combustion is one of the first books to provide a comprehensive and illustrated introduction on recent developments in heat recovery systems used to preheat combustion air to achieve energy savings and reduce pollution. The authors supply specific examples and case histories to help practicing engineers and students easily understand and apply the mentioned technology for their specific interests. Written for practitioners, this text helps the reader gain an understanding of the phenomenon and apply the technology.

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