The Hideout di Terry Penny edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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The Hideout





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Descrizione The Hideout

A number of criminals of all types are seemingly vanishing whilst on the run in Britain. A detective superintendent in Scotland Yard is tasked with the job of finding out where they have been hiding. D.S. Leo Mason from the Serious Crime Squad puts together a small, unusual team to do this and is supplied with whatever he requires to do the work. This takes a long time and the team are joined by two others when they get their first break in the case. Utilising all this team's unusual, and in some cases unorthodox, talents together find what they are searching for and in so doing also apprehend and arrest a great number of the criminals. The team are then given a new brief, to help other units and squads to solve crimes that have stalled or seem unsolvable. This team uses those both in the force and outside the force for this task and is highly regarded by the top brass for this work. Given a suite of offices in a police station separate from others, the team set to work in earnest to carry out their brief, soon earning a great deal of respect from high, far and wide. The team is also given a name and an acronym all of its own.

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