Hidden Treasures di Sharron Long edito da Covenant Books
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Hidden Treasures

Scripture Memory Coloring Book





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Descrizione Hidden Treasures

Why another coloring book? Aren't there enough of those on the market already? I would say, "No, there are not." This book is different. While many coloring books out there are repetitive, mindless patterns designed to empty one's mind, this book is different. This book's intention is to fill the colorer's mind with God's Word. In the Bible, it says, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11). While coloring the pages and even the Scripture verses themselves, the colorer can meditate on Scripture passages contained within each page, thus hiding God's Word in their hearts. The name, "Hidden Treasures," refers to these nuggets of truth that are intricately worked into each page. These little gems of truth are encouraging, uplifting, challenging and even fun.

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