Heroes of the Final Frontier (Book #4): The World of Waldyra LitRPG Cycle di Dem Mikhailov edito da MAGIC DOME BOOKS
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Heroes of the Final Frontier (Book #4): The World of Waldyra LitRPG Cycle





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The next book of the series! Heroes of the Final Frontier (Book #5): The World of Waldyra LitRPG Cycle - https: //www.amazon.com/dp/B0BWV7YHSD The world of Waldyra has been thrown into a turmoil of unprecedented scale and gravity. There are countless threats coming from every direction. The gods are at war. Continents are about to clash. Mighty ancient deities awaken-far more powerful than any of the newfangled gods. Old and new clans fight one another furiously for a place in the sun, and hideous monsters are falling from the skies, destroying every living thing in their way. The heroic Rosgard, who stands at the helm of a young but very tightly-knit clan, is not so much trying to achieve success as to survive, being inadvertently drawn into a global conflict between incredibly mighty players. Is one to walk in the Light-or cohort with the Dark? Both sides have plans for the small clan of the Heroes. Rosgard will have to make a choice that will affect the fates of many.

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