Herbal Compounds  for Cancer Treatment di Mukti H. Barot, Bhuvan P. Raval, Kumar Ajay edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Herbal Compounds for Cancer Treatment

Cancer Therapeutics





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Descrizione Herbal Compounds for Cancer Treatment

Use of Herbal Compounds in cancer therapy is a much classic subject studied so far. Herbal drugs are being utilized for cancer treatment in various regions of the world since post civilization era. Nevertheless,Use of isolated herbal compounds has grown in much later phase. The natural flora has got amazing bunch of diversified and exquisite treasure of remedies. This book aims to usher light on the path of research that has been done so far including work that is being done today with herbal compounds to anyhow get rid of this deadly disease. Hopefully, this book will help students, academicians and researchers working in this arena to gain better insight of the current scenario. Though it has exhibited utmost outcomes of research, there is a lot of work needed to be done to yet get to the terminal phase of discovery process.

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