Her Place Was With God di Jennifer Russell edito da Road To God's Promises
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Her Place Was With God





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Descrizione Her Place Was With God

My story 'Her Place Was With God', was written for you and for me. I wrote it for my kids, my grandkids, my mom, my dad's, my sisters and brothers and for all of my family and friends as a whole. I wrote it for you and your neighbor and for the family who had one of their loved ones come home from war and their heart is broke when they are so angry and torn up inside that slowly and loudly the abuse is everywhere. It's about you or someone you love or all of the others we don't know who are growing up in a world of drug use. It's a part of their everyday life and they know no different or for the young teenager alone and scared. He or she is offered to get high and a warm place to sleep and food to eat in exchange for the un-mentionable. It's for the family whose sole provider lost their job because of cut backs or gets hurt at work and is laid off. Money is hard and moods change, relationships grow weary and trust fades. Abuse, any and all types, physical, sexual, verbal, emotional and drug abuse can happen in these families and in anyone's home, in many different ways. When someone is abused it will always be a part of you, but with God it doesn't have to define who you are as a person or what you can accomplish in your life.

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