Help I Have Issues di M. A. Bobbie Davis Jr. edito da
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Help I Have Issues






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Descrizione Help I Have Issues

Help I Have Issues is something that everybody wanted to say at one point or another. Within these pages the reader will discover Biblical truths that will help with their current state or being. If we are honest with ourselves I think that we all have issues that must be dealt with. This book teaches you how to deal with the struggles or challenges that we are faced with. Some of us have beat ourselves up from things or people that have mishandled our love and trust. We are blaming ourselves over certain things that has happened to us in which we had no control over. The Word of God is full of answers and solutions to our private, pass, or present mistakes or failures. The focus is not so much on others but you. Practical application is given and listed that will help an individual move from darkness to light. So often when we become of age there's no one there to offer encouragement from a pure heart. Therefore it seems as though we are all alone, allow me to share something with you. You are not alone.

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