Hell Hounds Don't Heel di Kim McDougall edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Hell Hounds Don't Heel





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Descrizione Hell Hounds Don't Heel

Critter wrangler rule 7: Some monsters just have to die. Someone is plotting to put all gargoyles in jail...or six feet in the ground. For decades gargoyles have patrolled the night in Montreal Ward. They are dubbed Guardians by the humans and fae who live on the fringes of society, those who survive in neighborhoods the police don't care about. But when a Guardian is accused of murder, their reputation blackens. Mason promised to return from France with the one weapon capable of killing the formidable witch who was reborn from the bloodstone, but no one has heard from him in months. Now Polina gathers forces. Without Mason or the Guardians, Kyra has no backup as she tries to solve a murder and face off against new and terrifying monsters...all while caring for her growing menagerie of extraordinary critters. A new adventure in the Inbetween, where magic is the only rule of law. Hell Hounds Don't Heel is the third book in the Valkyrie Bestiary Series.

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