The Hedgehogs of Hedgeville: Struggle with Self-Esteem, Anger, Fear, Worry and Grief di Catherine B. Witmer edito da Catherine Witmer
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The Hedgehogs of Hedgeville: Struggle with Self-Esteem, Anger, Fear, Worry and Grief





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Descrizione The Hedgehogs of Hedgeville: Struggle with Self-Esteem, Anger, Fear, Worry and Grief

The purpose of this faith-based book is to help children who have suffered physical and emotional trauma, whether in their homes, violent surroundings, or through war or disaster. This book tells the story of four hedgehogs and their struggles with self-esteem, anger, grief, fear and worry. Each hedgehog learns how their Maker can help them in their struggles. The characters are also given other coping mechanisms they can use to help them. At the end of each story there are different activities the reader can complete to help assist them in whatever struggle they may be facing. The book includes notes for parents and caregivers to help the reader with the activities. Recommended ages 6 and up.

Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
€ 11.57
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