Heaven Above, Earth Below di Mark Perretta edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Heaven Above, Earth Below





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Descrizione Heaven Above, Earth Below

An inspirational coming-of-age story dealing with family, faith, sacrifice and honor, Heaven Above, Earth Below weaves the lives of three men is a modern-day metamorphosis that will warm the patriotic heart. Eldest son in the Mann family, Navy lieutenant Jason Mann has flown over fifty successful missions in Iraq. Finally returning to the States, he reunites with his family, continues to work as a Naval flight instructor, and looks forward to life after the military.Younger son John is on a quest to prove himself as a man. After legal troubles force him to spend community service hours at a local retirement home, he meets an old man, a survivor from the USS Indianapolis, who helps John balance his life and priorities. With his adventures at the retirement home and living at home with his mother and little sister, John is set on an adventure that provides him the answers he seeks.Plagued with nightmares of a tragedy that happened almost sixty years ago, the old man attempts to confront the demons of his past while continuing to live within the invisible prison bars of guilt. Only with John's help is he able to finally break free.A portion of all proceeds will go to the Jason Manse Memorial Fund that will support a scholarship at Canton Central Catholic High School for a deserving senior who is about to enter the military. More information can be found at the book's website: heavenaboveearthbelow.com

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