Heat Death: The Bulari Saga di JESSIE KWAK edito da Lightning Source Uk Ltd
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Heat Death: The Bulari Saga

The Bulari Saga





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Descrizione Heat Death: The Bulari Saga

An ancient secret. A ruthless enemy. A deadly choice. With a warrant out for his arrest and a price on his head, Willem Jaantzen has gone to ground, but he and his crew aren't out of the game. If they're going to take down an opponent as powerful as a Chief Justice they need a bulletproof plan-and that's going to take time. But as their rival's net tightens around them, time is the one thing Jaantzen and his crew don't have. Jaantzen and the people he cares for most are caught in a dance with a vicious, tenacious hunter. And his goddaughter Starla is about to head out on her own on an adventure that could shake the foundations of human understanding-if it doesn't get her killed first. The Bulari Saga series is part of Jessie Kwak's Durga System universe, a fast-paced series of gangster sci-fi stories set in a far-future world where humans may have left their home planet to populate the stars, but they haven't managed to leave behind their vices. And that's very good for business.

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