In a Heartbeat di Mikki M. A. Shepard edito da Page Publishing Inc
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In a Heartbeat

The Miracle of a Family That Was Meant to Be





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Descrizione In a Heartbeat

In A Heartbeat: The Miracle of a Family that was Meant to be is a delightful true story spanning several generations of families being born out of love, not necessarily biology. The heart of the story is about how the Law of Attraction brought about an adoption that created the "miracle of a family that was meant to be." This inspiring book shares a 'good news' adoption story to help others realize what a loving choice it can be for the baby, birth parents and adoptive parents. It is the greatest gift of love a parent can give their child and the most awesome gift another parent can receive. "Heartbeat is the perfect recipe for achieving goals in life, with a dash of humor, inspiration and tenacity, simmering with positive thinking and the law of attraction. It's the meal for those savoring love and happiness in all areas of life." -Tony Robbins

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