Heart of the Sea di Nora Roberts edito da JOVE
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Heart of the Sea







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Descrizione Heart of the Sea

BOOK THREE OF THE GALLAGHERS OF ARDMORE TRILOGYWalk with #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts in the shadow of an ancient tower and hear a story of dreams fulfilled and wishes come true…Darcy Gallagher has always believed in the pull of fate, the magic of legend…and the importance of money. She longs to find a rich man who will sweep her away-into a world filled with glamour and adventure, and the exotic life that is her destiny…A wealthy businessman with Irish blood, Trevor Magee has come to Ardmore to build a theater-and to uncover the secrets hidden in his family's past. He thought he had given up on love long ago, but Darcy Gallagher tempts him like no woman ever has. She's gorgeous and intelligent, and she knows what she wants-and he's more than willing to give it to her. But as their mutual attraction flares into passion, they look into their hearts-and find out what happens when you truly believe.Don't miss the other books in the Gallaghers of Ardmore trilogyJewels of the SunTears of the Moon

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