A Heart on Fire di Catherine Martin edito da QUIET TIME MINISTRIES
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A Heart on Fire





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Descrizione A Heart on Fire

When you are confused and downcast, where do you go and what do you do? When you are curious about events in your life, what is your response? There is a road waiting and a walk that you can take in every circumstance. It is the road to Emmaus - a road where Jesus walks and talks with you. In A Heart On Fire, author Catherine Martin presents an eight-week journey of daily quiet times that bring to life the very nature and person of Jesus Christ. - Discover the proof of God's amazing love. - Find out how Jesus is the answer for a fruitful and satisfying life. - Learn how the Words of Jesus call for decisions about how you live. - Reflect on your opportunity for wholehearted surrender and commitment. In A Heart On Fire, as you listen to the words of Jesus, you will discover that your heart will feel as though it is on fire with an all-consuming love for Jesus Christ.

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