The Heart of Holistic Education di Connie Giffin edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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The Heart of Holistic Education

Expressed Through the Experience of its Most Innovative Holistic Models





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Descrizione The Heart of Holistic Education

The study, Our Children Our Future, disclosed three important discoveries. Initially, it exposed the six core essence groups underlying the framework upon which the holistic educational approach evolves. These core essence groups consist of (a) ancient wisdom, consciousness, and peace; (b) culture and the arts; (c) biophilia and biophilic design of the built environment; (d) emerging industries; (e) parents, teachers, and administrators; and (f) humanistic and spirituality. The research revealed the holistic orientation is expressed through the experience of its diverse models as they serve their individual purpose. Further discovered: each participant fulfilled a higher purpose in the course of its own process, providing grass root solutions to major human created issues. Each participant's stated purpose correlated with the number of core essences it embraced resulting in the higher the purpose, the greater number of core essences encompassed. Exploration of holistic education's framework showed within its heart lies the power and potential to change a life, a society, a nation, and the world. Change that may provide a hope-filled future for all our children.

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