The Healthy Financials Formula di Gee Gachelin edito da Balboa Press
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The Healthy Financials Formula

The Essential Guide to Improve Your True Personal Wealth


Balboa Press





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Descrizione The Healthy Financials Formula

Finally a book that addresses two of the most important areas in life: health and finances! Health and finances are two major areas of life that affects nearly every important decision made in your career; how and where you live; how you spend your time, your friendships, your educational choices, your quality time with friends and family, and so much more. This book is for anyone who wishes to improve or develop his or her health or financial habits or both, which will transform his or her lifestyle positively. In the teachings of this book, you will discover how to stay healthy and learn the secrets to be wealthy. The Healthy Financials Formula is for those in need of health and financial solutions in order to experience peace and true joy. In this groundbreaking book, you will discover the healthy financials formula, learn a life-changing secret to improve your health and your finances, and master health and financial habits that will ultimately transform your life positively. It is a must read for everyone!

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