Health Research Guideline di Bekele Belayihun edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Health Research Guideline





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Descrizione Health Research Guideline

Scientific research plays a very important role in our efforts to maintain health and combating diseases. Research helps us create new knowledge and develop proper tools for the use of existing knowledge.The lack of research methodology and the absence of qualified researchers obstruct many developing countries to conduct health research by themselves. Health and related researchers are not limited to scientists pursuing a research career. Health research can and should be pursued by a broad range of people. It provides advice on selecting a research topic systematic collection, description, analysis and interpretation of data, and ways to influence decision makers through research that can be used to improve the health of individuals or groups, health and other professionals, a among others can and should use the scientific method to guide their work for improving the problem of individuals and communities. Even if they do not pursue much research themselves, they need to grasp the principles of the scientific method, to understand the value and also limitations of science, and to be able to assess and evaluate results of research before applying them

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