The Health Effects of Cannabis di Harold Kalant, Ontario, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health edito da CENTRE FOR ADDICTION AND MENTA
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The Health Effects of Cannabis





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Descrizione The Health Effects of Cannabis

The Health Effects of Cannabis is a definitive reference text on the adverse, and also the potentially beneficial, effects of cannabis use. Internationally recognized experts in the field contribute a wealth of information about the use and effects of Canada's most widely used illicit drug. The Health Effects of Cannabis will be of interest to addiction medicine specialists, educators, researchers, health program managers and policy-makers, and anyone else who wants scientific information on cannabis and its effects.Topics include: the epidemiology of cannabis use and related problems the long-term central nervous system effects of cannabis mental and behavioural disorders caused by cannabis use cannabis and immunity cannabis use during pregnancy therapeutic uses of cannabis and cannabinoids the health and psychological effects of cannabis use the comparative risks of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and opioid use.

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