Healing Trauma Program di Siegel Shannon Siegel edito da Emakim Ltd

Healing Trauma Program

Restoring The Wisdom Of The Body Brain And Body In A Search For The Living Past: A Practical Guide For Understanding And Working With Traumatic Memory


Emakim Ltd





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Descrizione Healing Trauma Program

A practical guide especially relevant for those individuals who are in deep search of ways in restoring the wisdom of the mind and body, and for understanding and working with a traumatic memoryHave you ever experienced a traumatic event in the span of your lives? Has someone you know been enduring lifelong symptoms like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and unexplained physical pain and fatigue? This book can help you discover the path to self-healing and more.Many people in the world today experience trauma, some may not show it, but they are certainly going through it. This book entitled Healing Trauma Program helps those who cannot find the courage to ask for help, those who desperately want to heal yet is so used to keeping their feelings in, all the while keeping everyone out. This material aims to help the readers on their way to recovery and aids them with how to move forward little by little.This book includes:· The origins of a trauma· How trauma shapes a person· How to cope and deal with PTSD· Mindfulness and meditation for trauma· Healing self-perception issues· Review on the stages of healing· Remembering, dismantling, and replacing traumatic memories· The path to acceptanceAnd so much more!Being a book that focuses on helping the audience with their healing, the readers can most definitely expect this book to be empathetic in a way that will motivate them to ascend with their lives positively. Pick up this practical guide, which will not only commiserate with you but will also be with you throughout your self-healing.

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