Healing Power of Light and Colour di Graham Heinrich edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Healing Power of Light and Colour





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Descrizione Healing Power of Light and Colour

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is a general term used for all therapies that utilise different frequencies of light (colours) for therapeutic purposes. The use of light as a healing agent stretches back into antiquity to ancient Rome, Greece, China and Egypt, where colour was used both in worship and as a healing agent. Today, there are many modalities of light therapy of which laser therapy is the best known and researched. The medical profession utilises certain frequencies of light for conditions such as neonatal jaundice, improved healing of surgical wounds, sterilization of blood (externally) and certain types of skin cancer. Extensive research into light and its effects on the human body have given rise to other, not commonly known, forms of light therapy such as Heliotherapy, Spectro-Chrome Therapy, Colourpuncture, Syntonics (used mainly by the optometric profession) and Homoeopathic light and colour remedies. Within this dissertation, the most successful and prevalent light therapies will be discussed in enough detail to give the reader a basic introduction into each modality.

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