He Waited for Me di Patricia Kamradt edito da iUniverse
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He Waited for Me







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Descrizione He Waited for Me

Adoptees can have a picture-perfect upbringing with their adoptive parents, and yet still feel the need to find their roots; it's a natural-maybe even primal-need. Adoptive parents, if still alive, should not feel threatened by this desire; it is a testament that they have raised a well-rounded child. In He Waited for Me, Patricia Kamradt encourages all adoptees to seek out their history because it is a part of who they are. They may find more than they had ever hoped to find. Many, if not most, adoptees search for their biological mothers first. This is understandable because of the maternal bond. In some cases, this search leads to a dead end for one reason or another. In the beginning, when the author was asked if she wanted to find her biological father, she was reluctant. This was because she was deeply hurt by her mother's decision to not allow contact with her, even though she tried to rationalize her thinking. She decided to go ahead with the search for her biological father-one of the best decisions she feels she has ever made. He Waited for Me tells the story of her search and its results, presenting an inspiring story of hope and joy.

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