He Rtgasm: Increasing Intimacy & Ecstasy with Your Beloved di Toni De Marco edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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He Rtgasm: Increasing Intimacy & Ecstasy with Your Beloved

Increasing Intimacy & Ecstasy with Your Beloved







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Descrizione He Rtgasm: Increasing Intimacy & Ecstasy with Your Beloved

If you feel in the deepest part of your being, that you deserve intimacy and ecstasy, this book is for you. No body came into this life with an instruction manual on how to do it right, nor do they teach you in school how to have successful relationships. Most of us have had to learn from the school of hard knocks. What if there were an instruction manual and you could bypass learning the hard way of doing it wrong over and over again? Let "Great Relationship & Fabulous Sex Expert," Toni De Marco, guide you through her simple system to dissolve power struggles and other relationship problems: The H.E.A.R.T. System - Light Your Relationship on Fire ¿ Healing with Communication & Creating Intimacy ¿ Embracing Love by Starting Within & Finding the Highest Good ¿ Attracting the Love You Want & More Through Energy Dynamics ¿ Ramping-Up Your Juiciness by Feeling Male & Female Energy Differences ¿ Trusting Your Passion as You Learn Orgasmic Response & Build Energy

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