Harry the Happy Hopping Hare and the Mystery Cave di Michael Crawford edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Harry the Happy Hopping Hare and the Mystery Cave



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Descrizione Harry the Happy Hopping Hare and the Mystery Cave

Harry is a very happy hopping hare that finds adventure wherever he goes. He loves to hop and play with other hares and other animals in the forest with colorful plants, tall trees, logs, and bridges. One day, Harry hopped and hopped that he had so much fun and couldn't stop hopping. He hopped to a new place, a place he had never been before. He loved hopping so much that he hopped to a new place, a place with a mysterious cave, a cave that held mystery and unanswered questions. This is where the mystery and adventure begin. Follow Harry as he finds more friendship and fun in the forest and around the mystery cave.

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